List Services

Use this endpoint to list available shipping services and package types.

REST Endpoint

GET /restapi/v1/customers/:customerId/services

Response Status Code

200 OK

Response Content Type


Request Example

GET /restapi/v1/customers/TEST00002/services

Response JSON Example

  "services": [
      "carrierCode": "ups",
      "carrierLabel": "UPS",
      "serviceCode": "ups_ground",
      "serviceLabel": "UPS Ground",
      "inbound": false,
      "supportedCountries": ["US"],
      "unsupportedCountries": null,
      "signatureOptions": [
          "signatureOptionCode": "direct",
          "signatureOptionLabel": "Signature Required"
          "signatureOptionCode": "adult",
          "signatureOptionLabel": "Adult Signature Required"
      "supportedDangerousGoodsCodes": null,
      "packageTypes": [
          "packageTypeCode": "ups_large_box",
          "packageTypeLabel": "UPS Large Box",
          "multipieceSupported": true,
          "weightUnit": "lb",
          "maxWeightPerPiece": "40.0",
          "dimType": "preset",
          "dimUnit": "in",
          "presetLength": "10",
          "presetWidth": "5",
          "presetHeight": "5"
          "packageTypeCode": "customer_packaging",
          "packageTypeLabel": "Customer Supplied Packaging",
          "multipieceSupported": true,
          "weightUnit": "lb",
          "maxWeightPerPiece": "105.25",
          "dimType": "custom",
          "dimUnit": null,
          "presetLength": null,
          "presetWidth": null,
          "presetHeight": null
      "carrierCode": "dhl",
      "carrierLabel": "DHL",
      "serviceCode": "dhl_express_worldwide",
      "serviceLabel": "DHL Express Worldwide",
      "inbound": false,
      "supportedCountries": null,
      "unsupportedCountries": ["US"],
      "signatureOptions": [
          "signatureOptionCode": "direct",
          "signatureOptionLabel": "Signature Required"
      "supportedDangerousGoodsCodes": null,
      "packageTypes": [
          "packageTypeCode": "customer_packaging",
          "packageTypeLabel": "Customer Supplied Packaging",
          "multipieceSupported": true,
          "weightUnit": "kg",
          "maxWeightPerPiece": "50.00",
          "dimType": "custom",
          "dimUnit": null,
          "presetLength": null,
          "presetWidth": null,
          "presetHeight": null

Explanation of Response Fields

Field Type Description
carrierCode string The carrier code
carrierLabel string Human readable carrier label
serviceCode string The service code
serviceLabel string Human readable service label
inbound boolean True for inbound services
supportedCountries array of strings or null List of supported countries (see below for explanation)
unsupportedCountries array of strings or null List of unsupported countries (see below for explanation)
signatureOptions[n].signatureOptionCode string The code for this signature option
signatureOptions[n].signatureOptionLabel string The human readable label for this signature option
supportedDangerousGoodCodes string The dangerous goods codes supported for the service type
packageTypes[n].packageTypeCode string The code for this package type
packageTypes[n].packageTypeLabel string The human readable label for this package type
packageTypes[n].multipieceSupported boolean True if multipiece shipments are supported for this service and package type
packageTypes[n].weightUnit string Either "lb" for pounds or "kg" for kilograms
packageTypes[n].maxWeightPerPiece decimal string Decimal maximum weight per piece for this service and package type
packageTypes[n].dimType string One of "preset", "envelope", or "custom"
packageTypes[n].dimUnit string Either "in" for inches or "cm" for centimeters or null if dimType is not "preset"
packageTypes[n].presetLength decimal Length of package or null if dimType is not "preset"
packageTypes[n].presetWidth decimal Width of package or null if dimType is not "preset"
packageTypes[n].presetHeight decimal Height of package or null if dimType is not "preset"

Supported Countries

Each service will include a value for either supportedCountries or unsupportedCountries but never for both.

For outbound services, the supportedCountries or unsupportedCountries fields determine supported receiver countries.

For a given service, if supportedCountries is not null, it specifies the complete list of supported countries for the service. If, on the other hand, unsupportedCountries is not null, it specifies that all countries except for those listed are supported countries for the service.

For inbound services, the meaning of these fields is inverted so that they are used to determine supported sender countries rather than supported receiver countries.