
Use this endpoint to quote shipping rates.

REST Endpoint

POST /restapi/v1/customers/:customerId/quote

Request Content Type


Request JSON Example

POST /restapi/v1/customers/TEST00002/quote
  "carrierCode": "ups",
  "serviceCode": "ups_ground",
  "packageTypeCode": "ups_custom_package",
  "sender": {
    "country": "US",
    "zip": "84117"
  "receiver": {
    "city": "Salt Lake City",
    "country": "US",
    "zip": "84106",
  "residential": true,
  "signatureOptionCode": "DIRECT",
  "contentDescription": "stuff and things",
  "weightUnit": "lb",
  "dimUnit": "in",
  "currency": "USD",
  "customsCurrency": "USD",
  "pieces": [
      "weight": "1.4",
      "length": "5.1",
      "width": "4",
      "height": "2.5",
      "insuranceAmount": "12.15",
      "declaredValue": null
  "billing": {
    "party": "sender"
  "providerAccountId": null

Explanation of Request Fields

Field JSON Type Required Description
carrierCode string false The carrier code
serviceCode string false The service code
packageTypeCode string false The package type code
sender.country string true ISO two-character country code
sender.zip string or null true Zip or postal code
receiver.city string false Destination City/Town
receiver.country string true ISO two-character country code
receiver.zip string or null true Zip or postal code
receiver.email string false Receiver email address
residential boolean false Set to true of the receiver address is residential
signatureOptionCode string or null false Signature option code for shipment. Null for no signature
uspsExpressAmDelivery boolean false 10:30 AM Delivery
saturdayDelivery boolean false Saturday Delivery
contentDescription string false Content Description must be a string. Can be empty. Often required for international shipments
weightUnit string true "lb" for pounds, "oz" for ounces, "kg" for kilograms, or "g" for grams
dimUnit string or null true Either "in" for inches or "cm" for centimeters or null if packageType has preset dimensions
currency string true The currency of the provided insuranceAmount, declaredValue, and customsValue (if customsCurrency is not present) fields. (USD, GBP, CAD, EUR)
customsCurrency string true If present, is the currency of the provided customsValue. (USD, GBP, CAD, EUR)
pieces[n].weight decimal true Numeric weight as a JSON string
pieces[n].length decimal or null true Numeric length as a JSON string (set to null if packageType has preset dimensions)
pieces[n].width decimal or null true Numeric width as a JSON string (set to null if packageType has preset dimensions)
pieces[n].height decimal or null true Numeric height as a JSON string (set to null if packageType has preset dimensions)
pieces[n].insuranceAmount decimal or null true The value of the piece to be covered by insurance as a JSON string. Must be null for no insurance
pieces[n].declaredValue decimal or null true The declared value of the piece for international shipments as a JSON string. Must be null for domestic shipments
billing.party string false Billing party: "sender" for Sender, "receiver" for Receiver, "third_party" for Third Party
providerAccountId string or null false Provider Account ID which can be retrieved using the List Provider Accounts endpoint

Response Status Code

200 OK

Response Content Type


Response JSON Example

  "carrierCode": "ups",
  "serviceCode": "ups_ground",
  "packageTypeCode": "ups_custom_package",
  "currency": "USD",
  "customsCurrency": "USD",
  "totalAmount": "16.27",
  "baseAmount": "12.15",
  "surcharges": [
      "description": "Residential surcharge",
      "amount": "4.12"
  "zone": "2",
  "quotedWeight": "2",
  "quotedWeightType": "Actual"

Explanation of Response Fields

Field Type Description
carrierCode string The carrier code
serviceCode string The service code
serviceDescription string The service description (only available when getting multiple quotes)
packageTypeCode string The package type code
currency string 3-character currency code
customsCurrency string 3-character currency code
totalAmount decimal Total quote amount (includes base charge and all surcharges)
baseAmount decimal Base charge amount
surcharges[n].description string Human readable description of surcharge
surcharges[n].amount decimal Surcharge amount
zone string The zone used to compute shipping cost
pieces[n].totalAmount decimal USPS Multipiece only. Total quote amount for piece, including base charge and all surcharges for piece
pieces[n].baseAmount decimal USPS Multipiece only. Base charge amount for piece
pieces[n].surcharges[n].description string USPS Multipiece only. Human readable description of piece surcharge
pieces[n].surcharges[n].amount decimal USPS multipiece only. Piece surcharge amount

Quote Multiple Services

If you want to get back all available services instead of the price for a single service, you can call this same endpoint without specifying the serviceCode or packageTypeCode. The carrierCode is also optional, but can be used to return only services for a specific carrier.

Request JSON

  "carrierCode": "ups",
  "serviceCode": "",
  "packageTypeCode": "",
  "sender": {
    "country": "US",
    "zip": "84117"
  "receiver": {
    "city": "Salt Lake City",
    "country": "US",
    "zip": "84106",
  "residential": true,
  "signatureOptionCode": "DIRECT",
  "contentDescription": "stuff and things",
  "weightUnit": "lb",
  "dimUnit": "in",
  "currency": "USD",
  "customsCurrency": "USD",
  "pieces": [
      "weight": "1.4",
      "length": "5.1",
      "width": "4",
      "height": "2.5",
      "insuranceAmount": "12.15",
      "declaredValue": null
  "billing": {
    "party": "sender"
  "providerAccountId": null

Response JSON

  "quotes": [
      "carrierCode": "ups",
      "serviceCode": "ups_ground",
      "serviceDescription": "UPSĀ® Ground",
      "packageTypeCode": "ups_custom_package",
      "currency": "USD",
      "customsCurrency": "USD",
      "totalAmount": "16.27",
      "baseAmount": "12.15",
      "surcharges": [
          "description": "Residential surcharge",
          "amount": "4.12"
      "zone": "2",
      "quotedWeight": "2",
      "quotedWeightType": "Actual"
        "carrierCode": "ups",
        "serviceCode": "ups_second_day_air",
        "serviceDescription": "UPS 2nd Day AirĀ®",
        "packageTypeCode": "ups_custom_package",
        "currency": "USD",
        "totalAmount": "41.72",
        "baseAmount": "22.66",
        "surcharges": [
                "description": "ResidentialExpress",
                "amount": "5.15"
        "zone": "202",
        "quotedWeight": "2",
        "quotedWeightType": "Actual"