Search Shipments
Use this endpoint to retrieve previously booked shipments based on a keyword.
REST Endpoint
POST /restapi/v1/customers/:customerId/searchShipments
Request Content Type
Request JSON Example
POST /restapi/v1/customers/TEST00002/searchShipments
"keyword": "2317948"
Explanation of Request Fields
Field | JSON Type | Required | Description |
keyword | string | true | name, company, phone, email, tracking number, internal order id, book number, order id, order number, shipper reference |
Response Status Code
200 OK
Response Content Type
Response JSON Example
This will return a maximum of 100 shipments.
"shipments": [
"bookNumber": "2317948",
"trackingNumber": "1ZA3R6625221693812",
"trackingNumbers": ["1ZA3R6625221693812"],
"voided": false,
"carrierCode": "ups",
"serviceCode": "ups_ground",
"packageTypeCode": "ups_custom_package",
"shipmentDate": "2015-04-21",
"shipmentReference": "abc123",
"contentDescription": "",
"sender": {
"name": "Albert Jones",
"company": "Jones Co.",
"address1": "123 Some Street",
"address2": "#54",
"city": "Holladay",
"state": "UT",
"zip": "84117",
"country": "US"
"receiver": {
"name": "Alice Jensen",
"company": "",
"address1": "54 Green St.",
"address2": "",
"city": "Salt Lake City",
"state": "UT",
"zip": "84106",
"country": "US"
"residential": true,
"signatureOptionCode": "direct",
"weightUnit": "lb",
"dimUnit": "in",
"currency": "USD",
"customsCurrency": "USD",
"pieces": [
"weight": "1.4",
"length": "5.1",
"width": "4",
"height": "2.5",
"insuranceAmount": "12.15",
"declaredValue": null
"fulfillment": null,
"totalShippingCost": 8.75
Explanation of Response Fields
Field | Type | Description |
bookNumber | string | Unique ID for this shipment |
trackingNumber | string | Carrier specific tracking number for this shipment |
trackingNumbers | array of string | All tracking numbers (for multi-piece shipments) |
voided | boolean | True if this shipment has been voided |
carrierCode | string | The carrier code |
serviceCode | string | The service code |
packageTypeCode | string | The package type code |
shipmentDate | date | The date of the shipment |
shipperReference | string | Custom reference field provided from the original order |
shipperReference2 | string | Another custom reference field provided from the original order |
contentDescription | string | Human readable description of content | | string | Name of sender | | string | Company name of sender |
sender.address1 | string | Sender street address line 1 |
sender.address2 | string | Sender street address line 2 | | string | Sender city |
sender.state | string | Sender state/province (must be two-character code for US and CA) | | string | Sender zip or postal code | | string | ISO two-character country code | | string | Name of receiver | | string | Company name of receiver |
receiver.address1 | string | Receiver street address line 1 |
receiver.address2 | string | Receiver street address line 2 | | string | Receiver city |
receiver.state | string | Receiver state/province (must be two-character code for US and CA) | | string | Receiver zip or postal code | | string | ISO two-character country code |
residential | boolean | Set to true of the receiver address is residential |
signatureOptionCode | string or null | Signature option code for shipment. Null for no signature |
weightUnit | string | Either "lb" for pounds or "kg" for kilograms |
dimUnit | string or null | Either "in" for inches or "cm" for centimeters or null if packageType has preset dimensions |
currency | string | The currency of the provided insuranceAmount, declaredValue, and customsValue (if customsCurrency is not present) fields. Must be "USD" for shippers in the US |
customsCurrency | string | If present, is the currency of the provided customsValue. (USD, GBP, CAD, EUR) |
pieces[n].weight | string | Numeric weight as a JSON string |
pieces[n].length | string or null | Numeric length as a JSON string (set to null if packageType has preset dimensions) |
pieces[n].width | string or null | Numeric width as a JSON string (set to null if packageType has preset dimensions) |
pieces[n].height | string or null | Numeric height as a JSON string (set to null if packageType has preset dimensions) |
pieces[n].insuranceAmount | decimal or null | The value of the piece to be covered by insurance. Must be null for no insurance |
pieces[n].declaredValue | decimal or null | The declared value of the piece for international shipments. Must be null for domestic shipments |
fulfillment.orderId | string | ID of order that this shipment is associated with |
fulfillment.integrationId | string | ID of webship integration associated with order |
fulfillment.items[n].productId | string | ID of fulfilled product |
fulfillment.items[n].sku | string | Sku of fulfilled product |
fulfillment.items[n].lineId | string | ID of fulfilled line item |
fulfillment.items[n].quantity | integer | Quantity of items fulfilled |
totalShippingCost | decimal | Total end-cost of the shipment |