Get Orders Query

To load orders from your ODBC data source into Webship, you will need to compose a Get Orders Query. The Get Orders Query should select all of your orders that are ready to be shipped. The query will need to be written in such a way as to map values in your database to the following field names:

Field Name Description
orderId The primary ID used to identify the order in your data source
orderNumber The order reference number (usually this will appear on the shipping label)
orderDate The date the order was placed (YYYY-MM-DD)
shipperReference A custom reference field, which is placed on the label when possible
shipperReference2 A second custom reference field, which is placed on the label when possible
shippingService The name of the shipping service chosen for the order (e.g. "Expedited" or "Standard")
orderGroup A string used to categorize orders within Webship
name The receiver's name to appear on the shipping label
company The receiver's company name to appear on the shipping label
address1 The receiver's first address line to appear on the shipping label
address2 The receiver's second address line to appear on the shipping label
address3 The receiver's third address line to appear on the shipping label (if supported by carrier)
city The receiver's city to appear on the shipping label
state The receiver's state to appear on the shipping label
zip The receiver's zip/postal code to appear on the shipping label
country The receiver's country or country code to appear on the shipping label
email The receiver's email address
phone The receiver's phone number
weight The weight of the order (counted as ADDITIONAL weight when itemWeight is also present)
length The length of the shipping package
width The width of the shipping package
height The height of the shipping package
weightUnit The unit of all weights in this order (one of "lb", "kg", "oz", or "g")
dimUnit The unit of all lengths in this order (one of "in" or "cm")
itemSku The sku of this order item
itemTitle The title of this order item
itemQuantity The quantity of this order item
itemPrice The price of this order item
itemWeight The unit weight of this order item

If you have orders that contain more than one item, your query can output multiple rows per order where each row has a different value for the itemSku, itemName, itemQuantity, itemPrice, and itemWeight fields.

The default weight of a shipment in Webship will be calculated as the itemWeight times the itemQuantity of each item added together plus the value of the weight field.


Imagine that you have an ODBC data source with the following tables and columns:

  • SalesOrder
    • ID
    • InvoiceNumber
    • OrderDate
    • ShippingMethod
    • AddressID
    • OrderStatus
  • Address
    • ID
    • FirstName
    • LastName
    • Address1
    • Address2
    • Address3
    • Company
    • City
    • StateOrProvince
    • PostalCode
    • CountryCode
  • OrderItem
    • ID
    • SalesOrderID
    • SKU
    • Title
    • Quantity
    • UnitPrice
    • UnitWeight

Your could use the following Get Orders Query:

  SalesOrder.ID AS orderId,
  SalesOrder.InvoiceNumber AS orderNumber,
  SalesOrder.OrderDate AS orderDate,
  SalesOrder.ShippingMethod AS shippingService,
  CONCAT(Address.FirstName, ' ' , Address.LastName) AS name,
  Address.Company AS company,
  Address.Address1 AS address1,
  Address.Address2 AS address2,
  Address.Address3 AS address3,
  Address.City AS city,
  Address.StateOrProvince AS state,
  Address.PostalCode AS zip,
  Address.CountryCode AS country,
  OrderItem.SKU AS itemSku,
  OrderItem.Title AS itemTitle,
  OrderItem.Quantity AS itemQuantity,
  OrderItem.UnitPrice AS itemPrice,
  OrderItem.UnitWeight AS itemWeight
  SalesOrder, Address, OrderItem
  SalesOrder.OrderStatus = 'Processing'
  Address.ID = SalesOrder.AddressID
  OrderItem.SalesOrderID = SalesOrder.ID