Update Shipment Status Query

To save shipment information back to your ODBC data source, you will need to compose an Update Shipment Status Query. The Update Shipment Status Query should be an update or insert statement that will save tracking numbers back to your database. In this query, you can use the following parameter substitutions for the values being returned by Webship:

Substitution Description
@carrierCode A code indicating which carrier was used
@carrier The name of the carrier that was used
@serviceCode A code indicating which shipping service was used
@orderId The orderId loaded in your Get Orders Query
@orderNumber The order number assigned to the order
@trackingNumber The tracking number associated with the shipment
@shipperReference The custom reference from the original order
@shipperReference2 The second custom reference from the original order
@totalShippingCost The quoted cost of the shipment
@shipmentDate The date of the shipment
@weight The total shipping weight of the shipment
@insureAmount The dollar amount that was insured
@insuranceCharge The charge for the insurance
@baseCharge The base charge for the shipment before any extra charges are added
@toName Receiver name
@toAddress1 Receiver address line 1
@toAddress2 Receiver address line 2
@toCity Receiver city
@toState Receiver state
@toCountryCode Receiver country code
@toZipCode Receiver zip code
@toEmail Receiver email
@toPhoneNumber Receiver phone number


Imagine that your ODBC data source has a table for saving shipment information with the following structure:

  • Shipment
    • SalesOrderID
    • Carrier
    • Service
    • TrackingNumber
    • Cost
    • ShippingDate
    • ShippingWeight

You could use the following Update Shipment Status Query:

  (SalesOrderID, Carrier, Service, TrackingNumber, Cost, ShippingDate, ShippingWeight)
  (@orderId, @carrier, @serviceCode, @trackingNumber, @totalShippingCost, @shipmentDate, @weight)